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EcoDrain is a channel drainage sysetm, also known as linear drainage, and is a popular choice because it is simple to design and install. It is also a cheaper option for surface water drainage than a typical point water drainage system and aesthetically, can be discreet, or a design statement – the choice is yours.

A manhole is an opening to a confined space such as a shaft, utility vault, or large vessel. Manholes are often used as an access point for an underground public utility, allowing inspection, maintenance, and system upgrades.
Soakaways are square or circular excavations either filled with rubble or lined with brickwork, pre-cast concrete or polyethylene rings/perforated storage structures surrounded by granular backfill. They can be grouped and linked together to drain large areas including highways.

French drains are primarily used to prevent ground and surface water from penetrating or damaging building foundations.
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